Close up photography of the trunk of a Rainbow Eucalyptus was the design inspiration for this Table Runner and or Bed Skirt. I loved the linear lines and texture of the bark as well as the random bits of bright secondary colors than were irregular in shape just like the bark.
It was woven from a painted warp designed to have three panels of a similar but slightly different threading. It is an overall fancy satin. I designed it to flow in a linear manor but to have sideways movement and soft feathering of the linear elements like the bark interactions.
Two major drafts from were used in its design.
Weaving Draft: Figure 1742, Atlas de 4000 Armures, Louis Serrure, France, 1920, #36633
Weaving Draft: 10144, 2500 Armature – Intreccio Per Tessuti Di Lana, Cotone, Rayon, Seta – Eugenio Poma, Italy, 1947, #42319
Innovations in Weaving truly applies to this entry. The painted warp that is the foundation of the piece was only possible due to a newly designed painted warp Jig that uses a fine 15 dent raddle and a cross maker every 1″. The jig is modular interlocking pieces of 8″ wide one on each end of the warp and can go through the measuring, painting, rinse out, and onto the loom processes with the warp securely held in order. I used 4 modules across to paint Rainbow Eucalyptus and put it on the loom.
Hand woven with MX fiber reactive dyed painted warp and vat dyed weft. Original design 32 shaft fancy twill.
Length 105 inches X Width 26.5
10/2 Tencel Warp and Weft
32 Shaft Louet Megado 32 Shafts used in draft.
- Scott DeHart