Laurie Carlson Steger with Norma Smayda – Crackle with Inclusions

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The collaboration between the weavers is based on a developed trust and respect for individual talent. This relationship grew from conversations about what sources spark curiosity or influence our work. We come to the drawing board open to finding unique solutions that express a vision that we discovered together. This work, Crackle with Inclusions, is inspired by classic weaving traditions based on historic patterns, the teachings of Paul Klee and influences of musical interpretations as visual art. The fabric composition has facets, like a large crystal, and inclusions which, in a mineral, are elements floating within the primary material. The crackle weave structure supports a subtle movement between 4 planes of woven color fields and the gold silk spots give the impression of internal reflection. The black inclusions add dimensional ambiguity as they dance around the space.


  • Loom controlled block weave, Snail Trail pattern rearranged to create bold graphic design, woven in crackle structure
  • Weft Inlay teal wool
  • Needle weaving, gold silk
  • Applique, black cotton woven as twill and crepe structure
  • Lucet cord, and twisted cord, applique in linen


29.5″h x 41.5″w


  • Crochet Cotton warp in 2 colors, white and lemon peel
  • Wool weft, gold, rust, orange, teal
  • Crochet Cotton tabby
  • 8/2 black cotton warp and weft for applique details
  • 5/3 linen for twisted cord and lucet braid
  • 5/2 silk gold needle woven


4 shaft countermarche

  • Meghan Lebow